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Welcome to our Flamenco Fashion Shop!

The story of Flamenco-Fashion 

There is no much story to tell about us, as Flamenco Fashion exits only since october 2017. BUT, there is a lot of prestory ;)  

Monica Clavijo Barroso - Geschäftsführerin - Unternehmerin









I am a native Spaniard, more precisely from Andalusia, the cradle of flamenco. I am the daughter of a flamenco singer and I started with flamenco dancing at age 4. 

I think, there are some good stones in my path to keep me involved with flamenco, right? Unless I moved to Vienna at the age of 23, which actually happened ...


2004: First contact with Flamenco in Vienna.


I left flamenco behind and I almost forgot it. In 2004 I discovered a flamenco school in Vienna. Unfortunately, due to my work, I could not even follow the course for one semester. With flamenco always on my mind, I enrolled again for flamenco dance classes 10 years later! And then I not only danced but I also started singing, which I do nowadays professionally, and then ... seemed natural to me to start a flamenco shop


Everything started with the fact that whenever I was in Spain and there was space in my suitcase, I sent my flamenco friends pictures of great flamenco accessories with the remark "I have space left in my suitcase".


To my surprise, many answered quickly and my suitcase was full. This is called a "strong demand" in the marketing language ;)
So I put together my flamenco skills, my online marketing experience, my entrepreneurial thinking and my contacts in Spain and voilà: flamenco fashion was born.


Since then, my professional life has been about FLAMENCO fashion and FLAMENCO singing, and about my hobby FLAMENCO dance.


Enjoy browsing and buying;)!


Mónica Clavijo 
Managing Director